Written by: Jean-Joseph Rivouchy
Translation by: S. Castlemilk
Date: 09/07/2024
With the creation of the European Union and later the Schengen area, the so-called Old Continent appears more and more as a harmonized federal state but when it comes to national celebrations each country has kept its own identity with sometimes century-old traditions.
To avoid disappointment, particularly if famous sites are closed or if all local accommodations are booked, find out what are the public holidays in the country you are about to visit.
Examining country by country, sometimes even region by region, what the British call bank holidays seems to be your only option! To make your task easier, we have prepared a guide of the different European public holidays, including in the Schengen micro-states and the United Kingdom!
Public holidays in ANDORRA
January 1 – New Year’s Day (Cap d’Any)
January 6 - Epiphany (Epifania)
March 14 - Constitution Day (Festa de la Constitució)
May 1 – Labour Day (Dia del Treball)
August 15 – Assumption Day (l’Assumpció)
September 8 – National Day (Diada Nacional d'Andorra)
November 1 – All Saints’ Day (Tots Sants)
December 8 - Immaculate Conception (Immaculada Concepció)
December 25 – Christmas Day (Nadal)
Did you know?
The principality of Andorra is organised into 7 parishes with their own celebrations and specific public holidays, including their Festa Major or Parish festival:
Third week-end of July - Festa Major in Canillo
From July 24 to 27- Festa Major in Escaldes-Engordany
Last week-end of July- Festa Major in Sant Julià de Lòria
First week-end of August - Festa Major in Andorra la Vella
From August 14 to 17- Festa Major in Encamp and La Massana
Public holidays in AUSTRIA
January 1- New Year’s Day (Neujahr)
January 6- Epiphany (Heilige Drei Könige)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Ostermontag)
May 1- Labour Day (Staatsfeiertag)
Variable date- Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt)
Variable date -Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag)
Variable date- Corpus Christi (Fronleichnam)
August 15- Assumption Day (Mariä Himmelfahrt)
October 26- Austrian National Day (Nationalfeiertag)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Allerheiligen)
December 8- Immaculate Conception (Mariä Empfängnis)
December 25- Christmas Day
December 26- St Stephen’s Day (Stefanitag)
Did you know?
8 of the 13 Austrian public holidays were decided during the 1933 Concordat between the Holy See and the Austrian Empire. The agreement protected the following 8 public holidays: New Year’s Day, Epiphany, Ascension Day, Corpus Christi, Assumption Day, All Saints’ Day, Immaculate Conception and Christmas day.
Ready to go waltzing in Vienna? Don’t forget your visa for Austria.
Public holidays in BELGIUM
January 1- New Year’s Day
Variable date- Easter Monday
May 1- Labour Day
Variable date- Ascension Day
Variable date- Whit Monday
July 21- Belgian National Day
August 15- Assumption Day
November 1- All Saints’ Day
November 11- Armistice Day
December 25- Christmas Day
Did you know?
Additionally to the national public holidays, Belgium, as a multilingual country, also enjoys other festivities celebrated at a regional level: July 11, Day of the Flemish Community, September 27, Feast Day of the French Community (the Wallonia-Brussels Federation), November 15, Feast Day of the German-speaking Community (also the Day of the King), May 8, Feast of the Iris (or of the Brussels-Capital Region) and on the third Sunday of September, Feast Day of the Walloon Region.
Ready to discover all the Belgian festivities? Remember to apply for a visa for Belgium.
Public holidays in BULGARIA
January 1- New Year’s Day (Nova godina)
March 3- Liberation Day (Dén na Osvobojdénièto na Balgaria ot osmansko igo)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Vèlikdèn)
May 1- Labour Day (Praznik na trouda)
May 6- St George’s Day (Guiorguiovdèn)
September 6- Unification Day (Saedinenieto na Balgaria)
September 22- Independence Day (Dén na Nézavisimostta na Balgaria)
November 1- Day of the Bulgarian Enlighteners, National Day (Dén na narodnité Bouditèli)
December 24 to 26- Christmas holiday (Rojdéstvo Hristovo)
Did you know?
Every November 1st since 1922, Bulgaria celebrates what they call National Enlighteners. On that day, the country pays tribute to past and present educational workers, writers and revolutionaries who build and preserve the spiritual and moral values of the Bulgarian people as well as their sense of national pride.
To celebrate the brilliant Bulgarian minds and protect your trip, don’t forget to get travel insurance for Bulgaria.
Public holidays in CROATIA
January 1- New Year’s Day (Nova Godina)
January 6- Epiphany (Bogojavljenje, Sveta tri kralja)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Uskrsni ponedjeljak)
May 1- Labour Day (Međunarodni praznik rada)
May 30- Statehood Day (Dan državnosti)
Variable date- Corpus Christi (Tijelovo)
June 22- Anti-Fascist Struggle Day (Dan antifašističke borbe)
August 5- Victory and Homeland Thanksgiving Day (Dan pobjede i domovinske zahvalnosti)
August 15- Assumption Day (Velika Gospa)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Dan svih svetih)
November 18- Homeland War victims Remembrance Day (Dan sjećanja na žrtve Domovinskog rata)
December 25- Christmas Day (Božić)
December 26- St Stephen’s Day (Sveti Stjepan)
Did you know?
Croatia is the only EU country to grant two public holidays to Muslim citizens in order to celebrate Eid-ul-Fitr and Eid-ul-Adha. The Croatian Jewish community is also allowed two days off for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
All set for your Croatian holiday? Don’t forget your visa for Croatia!
Public holidays in CYPRUS
January 1- New Year’s Day
January 6- Epiphany
March 25- Greek Independence Day
April 1- Cyprus National Day
Variable date- Good Friday
Variable date- Easter Monday
May 1- Labour Day
Variable date- Whit Monday
August 15- Assumption Day (Dormition of the Theotokos)
October 1- Independence Day
October 28- Ochi Day
December 24 to 26- Christmas holiday
Did you know?
According to the official state government website, there are only four public holidays celebrated by the entire Cypriot community. Cyprus being a multi-religion and multi-language country, other public holidays depend on the different national or religious communities.
To discover the richness of Cypriot culture, you might need a visa for Cyprus .
Public holidays in the CZECH REPUBLIC
January 1- New Year’s Day (Nový rok)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Velikonoční pondělí)
May 1- Labour Day (Svátek práce)
May 8- Liberation Day (Den vzniku samostatného československého státu)
July 6- Jan Hus Day (Den upálení mistra Jana Husa)
September 28- St. Wenceslas Day, Statehood Day (Den české státnosti)
October 28- Independent Czechoslovak State Day (Vznik Československa)
November 17- Freedom and Democracy Day (Den boje za svobodu a demokracii)
December 24-26- Christmas Holidays (svátek vánoční)
Did you know?
July 6 honours the martyrdom of Jan Hus in the 15th century. He introduced the “haček”, also known as the caron, in Czech spelling. This tiny little “v” (ˇ) written above certain consonants changes their sound.
Ready to discover different spellings and sounds? Here’s all you need to know to get a visa for the Czech Republic.
Public holidays in DENMARK
January 1- New Year’s Day (Nytårsdag)
Variable date- Maundy Thursday (Skærtorsdag)
Variable date- Good Friday (Langfredag)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Anden påskedag)
May 1- Labour Day (Arbejdernes Kampdag)
Variable date- Ascension Day (Kristi Himmelfartsdag)
Variable date- Whit Monday (Anden Pinsedag)
June 5- Constitution Day (Grundlovsdag)
December 25-26- Christmas Holiday (Juledag)
Did you know?
In Denmark, Jul is the name of the Christmas festivity period. During the Viking age, Jul was the celebration of Light, an ancient northern tradition which melded with Christian Christmas traditions when Denmark was evangelised in the 11th century.
Ready to celebrate the Jul festivities Viking style? Don’t forget your visa for Denmark
Public holidays in ESTONIA
January 1- New Year’s Day (Uusaasta)
February 24- Independence Day, national holiday (iseseisvuspäev)
Variable date- Good Friday (Suur Reede)
May 1- Labour Day (Kevadpüha)
Variable date- Pentecost (Nelipüha)
June 23- Victory Day (Võidupüha)
June 24- St John’s Day (Jaanipäev) or Midsummer
August 20- Independence Restoration Day (Taasiseseisvumispäev)
December 24 to 26- Christmas Holidays
Did you know?
In Estonia, Volbriöö is celebrated nationwide on the night of April 30th to May 1st which is a public holiday called “day of spring” (Kevadpüha). According to the legend, on that night many moons ago, witches gathered for a great meeting. Today, people still dress up as witches and wizards to roam the streets for a nightly carnival.
Hop on your broom and don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to visit Estonia!
Public holidays in FINLAND
January 1- New Year’s Day (Uudenvuodenpäivä)
January 6- Epiphany (Loppiainen)
Variable date- Good Friday (Pitkäperjantai)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Pääsiäispäivä)
May 1- Labour Day (Vappu)
Variable date- Ascension Day (Helatorstai)
Variable date- Pentecost (Helluntai)
June 24- St John’s Day (Juhannus) or Midsummer
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Pyhäinmiestenpäivä)
December 6- Independence Day (Itsenäisyyspäivä)
December 25- Christmas Day (Joulupäivä)
December 26- St Stephen’s Day (Tapaninpäivä)
Did you know?
Vappu is one of the most important celebrations of the year in Finland. Festivities start on the evening of April 30th and usually involve large quantities of sparkling wine and other alcoholic beverages. This traditional feast celebrated originally by the upper classes was, from the 19th century, taken over by students.
Get ready for a crazy bubbly night but don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to travel to Finland
Public holidays in FRANCE
January 1- New Year’s Day
Variable date- Easter Monday
May 1- Labour Day
May 8- VE Day (Victory in Europe Day)
Variable date- Ascension Day
Variable date- Whit Monday
July 14- Bastille Day- national day
August 15- Assumption Day
November 1- All Saints’ Day
November 11- 1918 Armistice Day
December 25- Christmas Day
Did you know?
May 1st (Labour Day) is the only French public holiday which is both paid and mandatory. However if the company’s activity cannot stop, the employee must be compensated. Collective labour agreements determine what other days are off and the wages of the employees on those days.
Ready to Cancan? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to visit France.
Public holidays in GERMANY
January 1- New Year’s Day (Neujahrstag)
January 6- Epiphany (Heilige Drei Könige) - (only in certain Länders)
March 8- International Women’s Day (Frauentag) - (only in certain Länders)
Variable date- Good Friday (Karfreitag)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Ostermontag)
May 1- Labour Day (Tag der Arbeit)
Variable date- Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt)
Variable date- Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag)
Variable date (only in certain Länders)- Corpus Christi (Fronleichnam)
August 15 (only in certain Länders)- Assumption Day (Mariä Himmelfahrt)
September 20 (only in certain Länders)- World Children’s Day (Weltkindertag)
October 3- German Unity Day (Tag der Deutschen Einheit)
November 1 (only in certain Länders) - All Saints’ Day (Allerheiligen)
December 25-26- Christmas (Weihnachtstag)
Did you know?
Celebrated since October 3rd 1990, German Unity Day (Tag der Deutschen Einheit) commemorates the country’s reunification. It is the only federal public holiday in Germany, the others being set at a regional level by the Länders.
Want to say Ich liebe dich in Germany? Ja but only with your visa and travel insurance for Germany!
Public holidays in GREECE
January 1- New Year’s Day (Protochroniá)
January 6- Epiphany (Theophánia)
Variable date- Clean Monday, first day of Lent, 48 days before Orthodox Easter (Kathará Deftéra)
March 25- Independence Day- national day (Ikostí-pémpti Martíou)
Variable date- Good Friday (Megáli Paraskeví)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Deftéra tou Páscha)
May 1- Labour Day (Ergatikí Protomagiá)
Variable date- Whit Monday (Deftéra Pentikostís)
August 15- Assumption Day (Kímisi tis Theotókou)
October 28- Ochi Day
December 25- Christmas Day (Christoúyenna)
December 26- Synaxis of the Mother of God. (Sínaxis Yperagías Theotókou Marías)
Did you know?
In Greece, many cities are placed under the protection of patron saints. On the day they are celebrated, children enjoy a day off school.
Ready to go crazy on a feta salad? Not without your visa and travel insurance to travel to Greece:
Public holidays in HUNGARY
January 1- New Year’s Day (Újév)
March 15- 1848 Revolution Day, national day (Nemzeti ünnep)
Variable date- Good Friday (Nagypéntek)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Húsvéthétfő)
May 1- Labour Day (Munka ünnepe)
Variable date- Whit Monday (Pünkösdhétfő)
August 20- State Foundation Day, national day (Szent István ünnepe)
October 23- Republic Day, national day to commemorate the 1956 revolution and the proclamation of the third republic (Forradalom ünnepe)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Mindenszentek)
December 25-26- Christmas holidays (Karácsony)
Did you know?
Hungarian children open Christmas gifts ahead of other children! According to tradition, Mikulás, the Hungarian Santa Claus, goes from home to home during the night of December 6, St Nicholas Day, and fills the stockings children have left on their window sill.
Want to open your presents before everyone else? Ask Santa for a visa and travel insurance to visit Hungary!
Public holidays in ICELAND
January 1- New Year’s Day (Nýársdagur)
Variable date- Maundy Thursday (Skírdagur)
Variable date- Good Friday (Föstudagurinn langi)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Annar í páskum)
3rd Thursday in April- First Day of Summer (Sumardagurinn fyrsti)
May 1- Labour Day (Verkalýðsdagurinn)
Variable date- Ascension Day (Uppstigningardagur)
Variable date- Whit Monday (Annar í hvítasunnu)
June 17- National Day- (Þjóðhátíðardagurinn)
First Monday in August- Commerce Day (Frídagur verslunarmanna)
December 24-26- Christmas Holidays (Jóladagur)
Did you know?
On June 17th Icelanders celebrate the constitution of their Republic. The date was chosen to coincide with the birthday of Jón Sigurðsson, an Icelandic independence leader.
Want to learn Vikivaki? You might need a visa and travel insurance to visit Iceland
Public holidays in IRELAND (Rep. of)
January 1- New Year’s Day (Lá Caille)
March 17- St Patrick’s Day, national holiday (Lá Fhéile Pádraig)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Luan Cásca)
First Monday in May- May Labour Day (Lá an Lucht Oibre ou Lá Bealtaine)
First Monday in June- June Bank Holiday (former Whit Monday) (Lá Saoire i mí Mheitheamh)
First Monday in August- August Bank Holiday (Lá Saoire i mí Lúnasa)
Last Monday in October- October Bank Holiday (Lá Saoire i mí Dheireadh Fómhair)
December 25- Christmas Day (Lá Nollag)
December 26- St Stephen’s Day (Lá Fhéile Stiofáin)
Did you know?
Samhain is a religious celebration which kicks off the “dark” season of the Celtic year as opposed to Bealtaine. It marks a double transition: from one year to another and a gateway to the Other World of the gods. It is mentioned in many Irish epic tales because it is said to favour magical and mythical events.
Found your shamrock covered outfit? Good but don’t forget your travel insurance before you leave for Ireland!
Public holidays in ITALY
January 1- New Year’s Day (Capodanno)
January 6- Epiphany (Epifania)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Pasquetta)
April 25- Liberation Day (Festa Della Liberazione)
May 1- Labour Day (Festa del Lavoro)
June 2- Republic Day (Festa della Repubblica)
August 15- Assumption Day (Ferragosto)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Tutti i santi)
December 8- Immaculate Conception (Immacolata Concezione)
December 25- Christmas Day (Natale)
Did you know?
The Carnival is widely celebrated in Italy with some city festivities being internationally renowned such as the Venice Carnival. This tradition dates back to the Middle-Ages. Festivities begin ten days before Ash Wednesday and last until Shrove Tuesday.
Booked your gondola? Perfecto but you might need a visa and travel insurance to visit Italy!
Public holidays in LATVIA
January 1- New Year’s Day (Jaunais Gads)
Variable date- Good Friday (Lielā Piektdiena)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Otrās Lieldienas)
May 1- Labour Day (Darba svētki)
May 4- Independence of the Republic of Latvia (Latvijas Republikas Neatkarības atjaunošanas diena)
June 23- Summer solstice (Līgo svētki)
June 24- St John’s Day (Jāņu diena)
November 18- Proclamation of the Republic of Latvia (Latvijas Republikas proklamēšanas diena)
December 24-26- Christmas Holidays (Ziemassvētki)
December 31- New Year’s Eve (Vecgada diena)
Did you know?
Latvia has a strong musical tradition. Dainas are popular songs which resonate nationwide during public holidays!
Warm up your voice and dance moves but don’t forget your visa and travel insurance before for your trip to Latvia
Public holidays in LIECHTENSTEIN
January 1- New Year’s Day (Neujahrstag)
January 6- Epiphany (Heilige Drei Könige)
March 19- St Joseph’s Day (Josefstag)
Variable date- Good Friday (Karfreitag)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Ostermontag)
May 1- Labour Day (Tag der Arbeit)
Variable date- Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfahrt)
Variable date- Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag)
Variable date- Corpus Christi (Fronleichnam)
August 15- Assumption Day (Mariä Himmelfahrt) and National Day (Staatsfeiertag)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Allerheiligen)
December 8- Immaculate Conception (Mariä Empfängnis)
December 25- Christmas Day (Weihnachten)
December 26- St Stephen’s Day (Stephanstag)
Did you know?
Liechtenstein is mainly a catholic country. All public holidays correspond to a religious feast except for Labour Day and National Day which also celebrates the birth of Prince Francis Joseph II who was actually born on August 16!
On your way to discover Liechtenstein folklore? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to visit Liechtenstein.
Public holidays in LITHUANIA
January 1- New Year’s Day (Naujųjų metų diena)
February 16- Day of Restoration of Lithuanian Independence (1918) (Lietuvos valstybės atkūrimo diena)
March 11- Re-establishment of the Independent State of Lithuania (1990) (Lietuvos nepriklausomybės atkūrimo diena)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Velykų antroji diena)
May 1- Labour Day (Tarptautinė darbo diena)
June 24- St John’s Day (Joninės) or Midsummer Night
July 6- Statehood Day (Lietuvos karaliaus Mindaugo karūnavimo diena)
August 15- Assumption Day (Žolinė)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Visų šventųjų diena)
December 25-26 - Christmas Holidays (Kalėdos)
Did you know?
Lithuania regained its independence twice: once from Germany on February 16th 1918 and the other from the USSR on March 11th 1990. It was the first Soviet republic to declare its independence.
Thirsty for Independence? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to travel to Lithuania.
Public holidays in LUXEMBOURG
January 1- New Year’s Day (Neijoerschdag)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Ouschterméindeg)
May 1- Labour Day (Dag vun der Aarbecht)
May 9- Europe Day (Europadag)
Variable date- Ascension Day (Christi Himmelfaart)
Variable date- Whit Monday (Péngschteschméindeg)
June 23- National Day (Nationalfeierdag)
August 15- Assumption Day (Léiffrawëschdag)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Allerhellgen)
December 25- Christmas Day (Chrëschtdag)
December 26- St Stephen’s Day (Stiefesdag)
Did you know?
Luxembourg is currently the only country to have declared Europe Day a public holiday. The date was chosen to pay tribute to Robert Schulman’s declaration which he delivered on May 9th 1950 and which is considered as the starting point to the creation of the European Economic Community.
Ready to celebrate Europe? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to travel to Luxembourg.
Public holidays in MALTA
January 1- New Year’s Day (L-Ewwel tas-Sena)
February 10- Feast of Saint Paul’s Shipwreck (l-Festa tan-Nawfraġju ta’ San Pawl)
March 19- Feast of St Joseph (Il-Festa ta’ San Ġużepp)
March 31- Freedom Day (Jum il-Ħelsien)
Variable date- Good Friday (Il-Ġimgħa l-Kbira)
Variable date- Easter Monday (It-Tnejn il-Gdid)
May 1- Labour Day (Jum il-Ħaddiem)
June 7- Commemoration of 1919 uprising (Sette Giugno)
June 29- Feast of St Peter and St Paul (Il-Festa ta’ San Pietru u San Pawl)
August 15- Assumption Day (Santa Marija)
September 8- Victory Day (Jum il-Vittorja)
September 21- Independence Day (Jum l-Indipendenza)
December 8- Immaculate Conception (Il-Festa ta’ l-Immakulata Kunċizzjoni)
December 13- Republic Day (Jum ir-Repubblika)
December 25- Christmas Day (Il-Milied)
Did you know?
In Malta, the prime minister has the legal right to modify public holidays. This explains why for many years the number and the dates of public holidays varied depending on the different governments.
Want to follow the tracks of the Maltese Falcon? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance before tour trip to Malta.
Public holidays in MONACO
January 1- New Year’s Day
January 27- Saint Dévote's Day
Variable date- Easter Monday
May 1- Labour Day
Variable date- Ascension Day
Variable date- Whit Monday
Variable date- Corpus Christi
August 15- Assumption Day
November 1- All Saints’ Day
November 19- ThePrince's Day, National Day
December 8- Immaculate Conception
December 25- Christmas Day
Did you know?
In Monaco, if New Year’s Day, May 1st, Assumption Day, All Saints’ Day, Prince’s Day or Christmas fall on a Sunday, the following Monday is a statutory public holiday.
Public holidays in THE NETHERLANDS
January 1- New Year’s Day (Nieuwjaarsdag)
Variable date- Good Friday (Goede Vrijdag)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Tweede Paasdag)
April 27- King’s Day (Koningsdag)
May 5- Liberation Day (Bevrijdingsdag)
Variable date- Ascension Day (Hemelvaartsdag)
Variable date- Whit Monday (Tweede Pinksterdag)
December 25-26- Christmas Holiday (Eerste Kerstdag)
Did you know?
In the south of the Netherlands, particularly in the provinces of Limburg and North Brabant, carnival celebrations are very popular. There is no official public holiday but many people often take a week off and schools plan the spring holidays accordingly.
Ready to put on your best wooden clogs? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to visit the Netherlands.
Public holidays in NORWAY
January 1- New Year’s Day (Første nyttårsdag)
Variable date- Maundy Thursday (Skjærtorsdag)
Variable date- Good Friday (Langfredag)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Andre påskedag)
May 1- Labour Day (Arbeidernes dag)
May 17- Constitution Day (Grunnlovsdag)
Variable date- Ascension Day (Kristi himmelfartsdag)
Variable date- Whit Monday (Andre pinsedag)
December 25- Christmas Day (Første juledag)
December 26- St Stephen’s Day (Andre juledag)
Did you know?
Every year since 1901, the Nobel Prize ceremonies take place on December 10, the date of Alfred Nobel’s death.
Planning on winning a Nobel Prize? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to travel to Norway
Public holidays in POLAND
January 1- New Year’s Day (Nowy Rok)
January 6- Epiphany (Trzech Króli)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Poniedziałek Wielkanocny)
May 1- Labour Day (Święto Pracy)
May 3- Constitution Day (Święto Narodowe Trzeciego Maja)
Variable date- Corpus Christi (Boże Ciało)
August 15- Assumption Day (Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Maryi Panny)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Wszystkich Świętych)
November 11- National Independence Day (Święto Niepodległości)
December 25-26- Christmas Holiday (Pierwszy dzień Bożego Narodzenia)
Did you know?
During the Soviet era, Women’s Day (Dzień Kobiet) was a very popular celebration and men offered carnations to women. It is still a much respected tradition. Friends, family and co-workers still celebrate March 8 with kind gestures. The date was chosen to commemorate the death of 129 women in a factory fire in 1908.
Ready to be celebrated as you deserve? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to visit Poland
Public holidays in PORTUGAL
January 1- New Year’s Day (Dia de Ano Novo)
Variable date- Carnival Tuesday (Carnaval)
Variable date- Good Friday (Sexta-Feira Santa)
April 25- Freedom Day (Dia da Liberdade)
May 1- Labour Day (Dia do Trabalhador)
Variable date- Corpus Christi (Corpo de Deus)
June 10- Portugal Day, National Day (Dia de Portugal, de Camões e das Comunidades Portuguesas)
August 15- Assumption Day (Assunção de Nossa Senhora)
October 5- Republic Day (Implantação de República)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Todos os Santos)
December 1- Restoration of Independence Day (Restauração da Independência)
December 8- Immaculate Conception (Imaculada Conceição)
December 25- Christmas Day (Natal)
Did you know?
In 2012, to increase the country’s productivity, Pedro Passos Coelho’s government revoked 4 public holidays (including 2 religious celebrations). This decision was very controversial and rejected by the population. Antonio Costa’s government reinstituted them in 2016.
Want to celebrate ALL Portuguese public holidays? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance before your trip to Portugal.
Public holidays in ROMANIA
January 1- New Year’s Day (Anul Nou)
January 24- Union Day (Ziua Unirii)
Variable date- Orthodox Easter (Paștele)
May 1- Labour Day (Ziua Muncii)
May 9- Independence and Victory Day (Ziua Victoriei)
June 1- Children’s Day (Ziua Copilului)
Variable date- Orthodox Whit Monday (Rusaliile)
August 15- Assumption Day (Adormirea Maicii Domnului)
December 1- National Day (Ziua Națională)
December 25-26- Christmas Holiday (Crăciunul)
Did you know?
Since the 19th century, Romania has changed political regime several times: constitutional monarchy, autocratic regime, totalitarianism (fascism then communism) and finally parliamentary democracy since 1989! National Day was on May 10 until 1948, on August 23rd until the Soviet dictatorship fell in 1989 and it has been celebrated on December 1st ever since.
On March 31st 2024, Romania and Bulgaria partially joined the Schengen area. You might need a visa and travel insurance if you want to go to Romania.
Public holidays in SAN MARINO
January 1- New Year’s Day (Capodanno)
January 6- Epiphany (Epifania)
February 5- Feast of St Agatha (Festa di Sant'Agata)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Pasquetta)
March 25- Anniversary of the Arengo (Anniversario dell'Arengo)
May 1- Labour Day (Festa dei Lavoratori)
Variable date- Corpus Christi (Corpus Domini)
July 28- Freedom Day (Liberazione dal Fascismo)
August 15- Assumption Day (Ferragosto)
September 3- San Marino National Holiday and Foundation of the Republic (Festa di San Marino e della fondazione della Repubblica)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Ognissanti)
December 8- Immaculate Conception (Immacolata Concezione)
December 24-26- Christmas Holidays
December 31- New Year’s Eve (Vigilia di capodanno)
Did you know?
San Marino is the most longstanding, uninterrupted republic in the World. Its constitutional system dates back to the 16th century.
Public holidays in SLOVAKIA
January 1- New Year’s Day and Slovak Republic Day (Novy Rok + Deň vzniku Slovenskej republiky)
January 6- Epiphany (Zjavenie Pána)
Variable date- Good Friday (Veľký piatok)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Veľkonočný pondelok)
May 1- Labour Day (Sviatok práce)
May 8- Victory Day over Fascism (Deň víťazstva nad fašizmom)
July 5- St. Cyril and St. Methodius Day (Sviatok svätého Cyrila a Metoda)
August 15- Assumption Day (Sviatok Panny Márie)
August 29- National Uprising Day (Výročie SNP)
September 1- Constitution Memorial Day (Deň vzniku Slovenskej republiky)
September 15- Day of Our Lady of the Seven Sorrows, patron saint of Slovakia (Sviatok Panny Márie Sedembolestnej, patrónky Slovenska)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Sviatok Všetkých svätých)
November 17- Struggle for Freedom and Democracy Day (Deň boja za slobodu a demokraciu)
December 25- Christmas Day (Prvý sviatok vianočný)
December 26- St Stephen’s Day
Did you know?
Slovakia is often mistaken for Slovenia and vice versa. Every year a large quantity of wrongly addressed mail (several hundreds of kilos) has to be sent back to Slovenia. Every month, embassy staffs meet to exchange this mail.
Want to check the efficiency of the Slovakian postal system? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to visit Slovakia.
Public holidays in SLOVENIA
January 1-2- New Year’s Day (Novo leto)
February 8- Prešeren Day, Slovenian Cultural Holiday (Prešernov dan)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Velikonočni ponedeljek)
April 27- Day of the Uprising Against Occupation (Dan boja proti okupatorju)
May 1 and 2 - Labour Day (Praznik dela)
June 25- Statehood Day (Dan državnosti)
August 15- Assumption Day (Marijino vnebovzetje)
October 31- Reformation Day (Dan reformacije)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Vsi sveti)
December 25- Christmas Day (Božič)
December 26- Independence and Unity Day (Dan suverenosti)
Did you know?
In Slovenia, New Year’s and Labour Day are double public holidays as they last two days!
Want to double your holidays in Slovenia? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance before your trip to Slovenia.
Public holidays in SPAIN
January 1- New Year’s Day (Año Nuevo)
January 6- Epiphany (Día de los Reyes Magos)
Variable date- Good Friday (Viernes Santo)
May 1- Labour Day (Día del Trabajador)
August 15- Assumption Day (Asunción)
October 12- National Day (Fiesta Nacional de España)
November 1- All Saints’ Day
December 6- Constitution Day (Día de la Constitución)
December 8- Immaculate Conception (Día de la Inmaculada Concepción)
December 25- Christmas Day (Navidad)
Did you know?
In Spain, celebrations and public holidays fall into two categories: national holidays common to all the country and other festivities depending on the different Spanish autonomous communities. Good Friday is a national public holiday, however Easter Monday is only considered a public holiday in 5 out of 19 communities.
Want to experience all Spanish celebrations? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to visit Spain.
Public holidays in SWEDEN
January 1- New Year’s Day (Nyårsdagen)
January 6- Epiphany (Trettondedag jul)
Variable date- Good Friday (Långfredagen)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Annandag påsk)
May 1- Labour Day (Första maj)
Variable date- Ascension Day (Kristi himmelsfärdsdag)
June 6- National Day (Sveriges nationaldag)
Friday between June 19 and 25- Midsummer Eve (Midsommarafton) or St John’s celebrations
August 15- Assumption Day (Marie himmelsfärds dag)
Saturday between October 31 and November 6- All Saints’ Day (Alla helgons dag)
December 25- Christmas Day (Juldagen)
December 26- Second Day of Christmas (Annandag jul) or St Stephen’s Day.
Did you know?
St John’s celebrations which take place in June in most Baltic and Scandinavian countries are so important in Sweden that changing the date of the Swedish National Day to the eve of Midsommar celebrations has been considered.
Want to give summer the proper kick off? Pack your bags, grab your visa and travel insurance to visit Sweden.
Public holidays in SWITZERLAND
January 1- New Year’s Day (Neujahrstag)
January 2- Berchtoldstag (Berchtoldstag)
Variable date- Good Friday (Karfreitag)
Variable date- Easter Monday (Ostermontag)
May 1- Labour Day (Tag der Arbeit)
Variable date- Ascension Day (Auffahrt)
Variable date- Whit Monday (Pfingstmontag)
August 1- Swiss National Day (Bundesfeier)
August 15- Assumption Day (Mariä Himmelfahrt)
December 25- Christmas Day (Weihnachtstag)
December 26- St Stephen’s Day (Stephanstag)
Did you know?
Switzerland is a federal state and public holidays are decided in each canton. Therefore depending on where you live, you can enjoy 8 to 15 national holidays in a year. The only days common to all the cantons are Christmas, New Year’s, National Day and Ascension Day.
Ready to Yodel? Don’t forget your visa and travel insurance to visit Switzerland
Public holidays in the UNITED KINGDOM
January 1- New Year’s Day
Variable date- Good Friday
Variable date- Easter Monday
First Monday in May- Early May Bank holiday
Last Monday in May- Spring Bank holiday
December 25- Christmas Day
December 26- Boxing Day
Did you know?
Additionally to these public holidays, each region has its specific holidays (called bank holidays in the UK): St Andrew’s Day in Scotland (November 30th), St David’s Day in Wales (March 1st) and St Patrick’s Day in Northern Ireland (March 17th).
Want to discover all the British traditions? Remember to check all the UK travel requirements before you leave
Public holidays in VATICAN CITY
January 1- New Year’s Day (Capodanno)
January 6- Epiphany (Epifania)
February 11- Lateran Treaty Day- birth of Vatican City (Festa della Fondazione dello Stato della Città del Vaticano)
March 13- Anniversary of the election of Pope Francis (Anniversario dell'Elezione del Santo Padre)
March 19- St Joseph’s Day, the Protector of the Universal Church (Festa di San Giuseppe)
Variable date- Easter Monday
May 1- Feast of St Joseph the Worker (San Giuseppe lavoratore)
Variable date- Ascension Day
Variable date- Corpus Christi
June 29- Feast of apostles Saints Peter and Paul (Santi Pietro e Paolo)
August 15- Assumption Day (Assunzione)
September 8- Nativity of Mary (Festa della natività della Madonna)
November 1- All Saints’ Day (Ognissanti)
December 8- Immaculate Conception (Immacolata Concezione)
December 25- Christmas Day (Natale)
December 26- St Stephen’s Day (Santo Stefano)
Did you know?
The election day of the incumbent pope is a public holiday in Vatican City as is the celebration day of the St Patron of his real first name. Pope Francis was elected on a March 13 and his real first name is Jorge, full name Jorge Mario Bergoglio, thus March 13th and April 23rd (Saint George’s Day) are currently both public holidays in Vatican City but these days will change with the next pope.
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Which European country has the most public holidays?
The European country with the most public holidays is Slovakia with a total of 15. Next come Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Spain and Malta with 14 national days.
The average number is 11 in countries such as Germany, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Luxembourg and Sweden. The countries with the lowest number of public holidays are Denmark, the Republic of Ireland and the Netherlands.
What public holidays are shared by most European countries?
The public holidays shared by most European countries, excluding New Year’s Day and Labour Day celebrated in many countries worldwide, are holidays linked to Europe’s Christian history. Good Friday, Eater Monday, Ascension Day, Whit Monday, Assumption Day and Christmas Day are public holidays in most European countries.
What is celebrated on May 9? Is it a public holiday?
On May 9, Europe Day honours Robert Schuman’s declaration which is considered as marking the beginning of the construction of the European community. It is not a public holiday, except in Luxembourg. However European institutions and their employees do not work on that day.
Why is Easter a variable date and how can we know what day is Easter?
Because of the important Judeo-Christian heritage of the European continent, religious celebrations are in most countries public holidays. Easter which is always on a Sunday falls into that category. Good Friday and Easter Monday precede and follow Easter respectively, Ascension Day and Whit Monday take place a certain number of days after Easter and thus they are all connected.
But how is the date of Easter determined? In 325 AD it was decided that Easter was on the Sunday following the first spring full moon. A full moon on the first day of spring counts unless it is a Sunday. In that case, Easter is celebrated the following Sunday.
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