
“Doctor Please!”: Remote medical consultation with Schengen visa travel insurance

NAME: Axel Strauss
DATE: 04/06/2024 

Traveling abroad is always a new and exciting adventure. But, unfortunately, that adventure can also often include some unpleasant surprises when it comes to our health. Gastrointestinal issues, respiratory infections, allergic reactions, altitude sickness, motion sickness, bug bites, sporting accidents — in short, the medical problems we might face when experiencing a new place or activity are as varied as the places and activities themselves. And if things do go wrong, simply yelling “is there a doctor in the house?” isn’t always a realistic option these days either. 

Especially if you don’t speak the language, or if you’re by yourself, or if there’s no house, or — well, you get the idea. But fear not! Because now, with AXA’s top-quality travel insurance, having a doctor by your side when traveling is a very real option indeed. And not just any doctor — but one who speaks your language and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, no matter where you are. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it’s not — thanks to our one-of-a-kind “Doctor, Please!” service. 

What is “Doctor, Please!”?

Again, it’s no secret that health problems when you’re traveling can be a real hassle. But on top of dealing with your nerves (and/or those of your loved ones) and hoping for the best, you’re also often faced with a whole obstacle course of mind-boggling issues. For example — finding the proper medical facility (and/or professional), scheduling a medical appointment, harrowing wait times, unforeseen (and often hefty) fees, the language barrier, and so on. That’s where AXA’s “Doctor, please!” comes in. 

“Doctor, please!” is an easy-to-use free web portal that gives travelers access to instant medical support. More specifically, it allows you to:

  • have 24/7 access to a qualified English-speaking* doctor
  • make an appointment for a remote consultation (by phone or video)
  • get immediate medical advice and/or guidance for the rest of your care journey
  • and, if necessary, even receive a medical prescription (available securely on the portal and/or sent directly to a pharmacy closest to you) 

*NOTE: You can have a teleconsultation with a French-speaking, German-speaking, Spanish-speaking, ​Italian-speaking and/or Portuguese-speaking doctor too! 

And all that — no matter your location and time of day or night. With “Doctor, please!”, you don’t need to struggle to explain yourself, waste time in a foreign hospital waiting room (especially for a non-urgent health problem), go through endless bureaucratic red tape, and so on. 

Instead, top-quality professional medical support is just a phone (or video) call away! And it’s available with all of AXA’s plans — no matter which one you choose.

How does “Doctor, Please!” work?

Well, unlike navigating a foreign healthcare system, using “Doctor, Please!” is as easy as can be. All you have to do is: 

  • Access the service through the “Doctor, Please!” app or AXA website by entering an access code (sent to you via email after purchasing your AXA Schengen insurance plan)
  • Request a consultation by providing your details (policy number, etc.) and describing your symptoms 

And — that’s it! 

A doctor is then assigned, and an appointment is scheduled. Moreover — depending on your particular situation — said appointment can either be immediate or within a short enough time frame. 

The consultation itself is done via phone or video call. Your English (or other) speaking doctor then provides medical advice, diagnoses, possible treatments,* and any other info and support you might need. ​Your doctor may even provide necessary prescriptions and/or recommend further medical actions. 

*PRO-TIP: Before your teleconsultation, you’ll also be able to download test results, medical reports, or any other records that may prove useful during your remote appointment with the doctor. 

NOTE: The simple step-by-step procedure will also be explained to you in detail after your policy is purchased. 

So — to sum up — “Doctor, Please!” not only provides travelers with peace of mind. Ultimately, it ensures that you can receive professional medical advice — promptly, in clear English, around the clock, and regardless of your location.

How much does “Doctor, Please!” cost?

And the cost of your teleconsultation is just one of the many benefits of this one-of-a-kind service. Because it’s also no secret that medical fees abroad — even for a simple consultation — can prove pricey. 

“Doctor, Please!”, meanwhile, is already included in any AXA travel insurance plan you purchase. And that means that your worldwide, 24/7, English-speaking medical teleconsultation is — you guessed it — absolutely free!

Customer testimonials about “Doctor, Please!”

Of course, a second opinion — especially when it comes to medical support — is always a good call too. So don’t just take AXA’s word for it. Here’s what a few happy international travelers had to say about “Doctor, Please!” (when asked, “What aspects of the service were most important to you?”): 

  • ”It was very easy to use and to get the advice and information I needed while abroad.
  • ”The doctor I spoke to was very friendly and helped me understand my symptoms. I received a call back within an hour of making an appointment and got a prescription within an hour of speaking to him. I’m really impressed by this service. Thank you very much! 
  • ”Good advice, doctor speaking clearly, and sending me informative notes after consultation.” 
  • ”The interaction and dynamics worked perfectly. The professional clearly gave possible solutions and steps to follow.”
  • ”It was very easy to book, I was called back quickly and the doctor was friendly, knowledgeable, and spoke perfect English”
  • ”The first representative was quick and followed up via email when my number could not be reached. The doctor also showed a lot of care. Both people I have spoken to were very polite and helpful.”
  • ”Very helpful and took the time to go over my symptoms.”
  • ”The doctor was super nice and helpful, and she sent an email notifying me right away that the prescription was ready for pickup.
  • ”The doctor was great I was able to have all my questions answered and I was called back within 20 min of making the request. Since returning to the UK my daughter has been seen by a local GP to check her wound.”
  • ”Gave me all the information and advice I needed on my injury and explained the process for what happens when I return to the UK.” 

In other words, more and more people traveling abroad seem to — well, be pleased with “Doctor, Please!” As we’re sure you will be too.

Why else choose AXA Schengen Travel Insurance?

And if you need other reasons why AXA Schengen Travel Insurance is your go-to when leaving home, here are just a few more. 

For one, travel insurance is a mandatory requirement for getting a Schengen visa.* And all three AXA plans — Low-Cost (starting at as little as 22€/week), Europe Travel, and Multi-Trip — meet the requirements to be granted one. Just in case, those requirements are that your plan: 

  • Guarantees minimum coverage for at least €30,000 in medical expenses
  • Covers any expenses that might arise in connection with repatriation for medical reasons
  • Covers you in all member states of the Schengen Area
  • Covers you during the entire duration of your trip and stay in the Schengen Zone. 

*Moreover, if your Schengen visa is denied, our plans are refundable in most cases. We’ll only ask that you provide the appropriate documentation (i.e., an official explanation of why your visa was refused from the relevant embassy, consulate, or visa application center). 


  • Our plans have no age restrictions.
  • They cover you and your family in all Schengen territories (and beyond).
  • Getting an AXA travel insurance plan, meanwhile, is quick, easy, and can be done online in a matter of minutes.
  • The AXA travel insurance certificate can then be downloaded (and printed) online instantly too.
  • And the AXA certificate is accepted by all Schengen embassies, consulates, and VFS Global centers around the world. 

But whether you need a Schengen visa or not, having your trip insured is still a great call. No matter if you’re climbing the Swiss Alps, sampling some Italian wines, German beers, and/or Spanish tapas, simply sunbathing on the French Riviera — or anything in between. Knowing that you have emergency (and not-so-emergency) medical coverage, instant assistance — plus countless other benefits — will bring you and your family unparalleled peace of mind. And, more importantly, it can prove priceless if something does go wrong. 

In short, with the right AXA plan and “Doctor, Please!” by your side, you’re not only always in good hands. There actually is a doctor in the house — one that speaks English and is available 24/7 to answer your call — right in the palm of your hand, no matter where you happen to be!



What are the most common health problems in Europe?

The most common chronic health conditions in Europe are asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), congestive heart failure (CHF), and diabetes. Approximately 6% of the EU population have asthma, and 7% — diabetes.

Which countries in Europe are the safest for tourism?

When it comes to tourists, Switzerland and Iceland consistently rank as the two least dangerous destinations. They’re followed closely by Denmark, Finland, Luxembourg, and Norway. Find out more in our article about the safest tourist destinations in Europe.

How long does it take to process a Schengen visa?

The wait time is generally at least 15 days. However, in some cases, embassies can take between a month or two to process a visa. It will depend on your particular situation.